CBD for Agitation and Anxiety in Alzheimer's-related dementia
Clinical Trial
In collaboration with Dr. Brent Forester, we are investigating CBD as a potential treatment for anxiety and agitation that often appears in mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease. Behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease, such as anxiety and agitation, often contribute to the caregiver stress associated with caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's. At the moment, there are no FDA-approved treatments for these symptoms, and the current treatment options can have significant negative side effects. This study seeks to discover a safe and effective treatment for anxiety and agitation in those living with Alzheimer's.
Participants are assessed at 10 visits over the course of 8 weeks. Six visits will be at McLean Hospital, and 4 will be check-ins via phone.
Visit https://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT04075435 for more information
Individuals aged 60-90 with mild or moderate Alzheimer's Dementia may be eligible.
We are currently recruiting individuals for the open-label phase (all participants would receive active treatment).