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January 4, 2025

The Complex Relationship Between Cannabis Use and Mental Health: Considering the Influence of Cannabis Use Patterns and Individual Factors

CNS Drugs

Our latest publication in CNS Drugs delves into the complexities between cannabis and mental health. This article explores existing research on the relationship between mental health conditions and cannabis use, as well as how individual factors may impact cannabis-related outcomes. While it's clear that the impact of cannabis on various mental health conditions depends on a range of factors, study findings often appear mixed or inconsistent. A number of obstacles must be addressed in pursuit of making cannabis and cannabinoid use safer for all, and potentially providing symptom alleviation for many who continue to suffer from a range of psychiatric symptoms.

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October 31, 2023

Identifying Variables Associated with Menopause-Related Shame and Stigma: Results from a National Survey Study

Journal of Women's Health

We are delighted to share results from our latest publication in the Journal of Women's Health. Despite the significance of menopause as a natural biological milestone experienced by approximately half the population, few studies have evaluated factors associated with menopause-related shame and stigma. Findings from our national survey suggest that even though menopausal individuals report feeling their symptoms are similar to their peers, shame and stigma are significantly associated with these symptoms which are likely impacted by symptom severity and socioeconomic factors.


November 11, 2022

Increased White Matter Coherence Following Three and Six Months of Medical Cannabis Treatment

Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research

We are pleased to announce that a set of findings from our longitudinal, observational study of medical cannabis use have been published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research! Patients interested in treating at least one medical condition with commercially available MC products of their choosing were assessed for white matter coherence via diffusion tensor imaging before initiating MC use (baseline n=37; female=25, male=12) and following three (n=31) and six (n=22) months of treatment. Results show that MC treatment was associated with increased white matter coherence, which contrasts with prior research examining recreational cannabis consumers, likely related to inherent differences between recreational consumers and MC patients (e.g., product choice, age of onset). In addition, increased CBD exposure was associated with reduced mean diffusivity following 6 months of treatment, extending evidence from preclinical research indicating that CBD may be neuroprotective against demyelination.

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August 3, 2021


MIND is excited to share an advance online print of our article, which will soon be published in Cannabis, the official journal of the Research Society on Marijuana (RSMJ). Findings suggest that medical cannabis (MC) patients, who were followed over 12 months of MC treatment exhibit increased scores on the Cannabis Use Disorders Screening Test - Revised (CUDIT-R) relative to baseline (pre-treatment); however, increased CUDIT-R scores appear to be attributable to expected increases in frequency of MC use, rather than increases in more problematic symptoms/behaviors associated with cannabis use disorder (CUD). Further, increased CUDIT-R scores were related to higher THC exposure, but were not related to frequency of MC use overall or exposure to CBD. Importantly, preliminary analyses suggest that CUDIT-R may not be reliable or valid when used in MC patients. Accordingly, new metrics for assessing CUD in those who use cannabis for medical purposes are needed.

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November 4, 2020

JAMA Psychiatry

We are excited to share that a set of findings from the open label phase of our clinical trial assessing a full-spectrum, high-CBD/low-THC product were recently published in JAMA Psychiatry! These findings show that 50% of individuals enrolled in the clinical trial tested positive for THC on a urinary drug assay after using the the sublingual solution for four weeks. Positive THC findings occurred in some individuals although the study product contains far less THC than is allowable for hemp-based products in the US. More research is needed to understand which variables may contribute to positive findings in some individuals, but not others. 


August 30, 2024

A survey-based, quasi-experimental study assessing a high-cannabidiol suppository for menstrual-related pain and discomfort

npj Women's Health

We are thrilled to share findings from the first study to assess the impact of a "real-world", commercially-available, high-CBD suppository on menstrual-related pain and discomfort in our latest npj Women's Health publication. Individuals taking part in this national survey study completed assessments at baseline and two monthly follow-ups, providing information about menstrual-related conditions and cannabis use. Participants who used high-CBD suppositories as needed demonstrated significantly reduced frequency and severity of menstrual-related symptoms, impact of symptoms on daily functioning, need for analgesics, and number of analgesics used relative to treatment-as-usual participants. Increased suppository use was significantly associated with greater reduction of symptoms, suggesting a potential dose-dependent response.

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April 4, 2023

CannaCount: an improved metric for quantifying estimates of maximum possible cannabinoid exposure

Scientific Reports

CannaCount, the first metric to provide estimated maximum possible exposure to individual cannabinoids based on actual cannabinoid concentrations, is now published in Scientific Reports! An accurate, reliable method for quantifying estimated cannabinoid exposure is critical for clarifying the relationship between cannabinoid use and various outcomes measures. We are thrilled to share this examiner‑driven metric that quantifies estimated maximum possible cannabinoid exposure by accounting for variables related to cannabinoid concentration, duration, frequency, and quantity of use. 


November 2, 2022

Communications Medicine

Findings from our open-label, phase two clinical trial assessing the impact of a full-spectrum, high cannabidiol treatment for anxiety on clinical state and cognition are out in Communications Medicine! 14 patients with moderate to severe anxiety administered 1mL t.i.d. of a high-CBD sublingual solution for four weeks. Patients reported reduced anxiety as well as improvements in mood, sleep, and quality of life along with infrequent endorsements of minor side effects like sleepiness/fatigue, increased energy, and dry mouth . Definitive assessment of the impact of this novel treatment on clinical symptoms and cognition will be ascertained in the ongoing double-blind, placebo-controlled stage.

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July 15, 2021

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

We are pleased to announce that JINS has just published data from MIND's longitudinal study. This publication represents the first study to directly assess the longitudinal impact of medical cannabis (MC) on cognition and clinical variables in “real world” MC patients, who were assessed prior to initiating MC use and followed over the course of 1 year of treatment. Findings revealed that MC patients demonstrated significant improvements on measures of executive function and clinical state, while verbal learning/ memory performance generally remained stable relative to baseline. Improved cognitive performance was not correlated with MC use; however, clinical improvement was associated with higher CBD use.

Click below to read more, and don't forget to also check out some of the other interesting papers published in this JINS special issue, Clarifying the Complexities of Cannabis and Cognition, which was edited by Dr. Gruber and two of our IDEAA collaborators, Drs. Lisdahl and Filbey!

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January 22, 2018

Frontiers in Pharmacology

We are pleased to announce that Frontiers has just published our second paper from the MIND program. This marks the first neuroimaging study in medical cannabis patients, and documents potential normalization of brain activity during the Multi-Source Interference Task (MSIT), a measure of executive function, after three months of medical cannabis treatment.

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July 23, 2024

A National Survey Study of Cannabis Use During Menopause: Identifying Variables Associated with Recreational, Medical, and Hybrid Use

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

Our recent publication in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs explores cannabis use patterns of menopausal individuals. Results collected from our national survey show that individuals with a greater number of medical conditions and severe symptoms that conventional treatments do not fully alleviate may be more open to exploring cannabinoid-based therapies. Increased modes of consumption for hybrid users compared to strictly medical or recreational users may reflect customized product selection based on the goal for cannabis use. Further research should continue to expand our knowledge of the motives and practices of hybrid cannabis use, as well as the long-term outcomes associated with goals of use.


January 10, 2023

Contemplating cannabis? The complex relationship between cannabinoids and hepatic metabolism resulting in the potential for drug-drug interactions

Frontiers in Psychiatry

We're excited to announce our newest publication in Frontiers in Psychiatry. This article examines the potential for individual cannabinoids, particularly CBD, to interact with the hepatic metabolic system. The complex relationship between cannabinoids and the hepatic metabolic system, including common potential drug-drug interactions resulting from cannabinoid exposure, are explored along with the clinical significance of these potential interactions and monitoring or mitigation strategies. As cannabis and cannabinoid use increases, particularly vulnerable groups should understand the potential risks associated with using these products with concomitant medications.


September 1, 2022


We are delighted to share our findings from our survey of menopause-related symptomatology and medical cannabis (MC) use in the September edition of Menopause, the journal of the North American Menopause Society. A total of 258 participants (131 perimenopausal and 127 postmenopausal) completed assessments of menopause-related symptomatology and cannabis use, including modes of use, type of use, and menopause-related symptoms addressed by MC use.

Results suggest that many individuals are currently using MC as an adjunctive treatment for menopause-related symptoms, particularly sleep disturbance and mood/anxiety.

Image by Sasun Bughdaryan

March 25, 2021

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology

We are happy to announce that our newest paper was just published in the Journal of Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology!  We recently completed analyses of medical cannabis (MC) patients who report chronic pain as their primary indication for MC use and compared them to a pilot sample of treatment-as-usual (TAU) patients who do not use MC. Results revealed that after initiation of MC use, MC patients generally exhibited lower self-reported pain ratings, which were accompanied by improvements on measures of clinical state, quality of life, and sleep - a pattern not observed in the TAU group. Among MC patients , increased THC exposure was related to pain-related improvement, while CBD exposure was related to improved mood. 

Image by David Gabrić

October 13, 2016

Frontiers in Pharmacology

The first publication from the MIND program was published today in Frontiers in Pharmacology! After 3 months of medical cannabis treatment, medical cannabis patients demonstrated improvements in clinical state,  cognition, quality of life and other health-related measures. Decreased use of conventional pharmaceutical medications was also noted among study patients. Click below to read more.

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