Jul 11, 2019Does marijuana hurt or help your brain? Scientists rush to study the drug’s impactLast night, Dr. Gruber and McLean colleague, Dr. Dost Ongur, were featured on PBS Newshour with Miles O'Brien. You can watch the full...
May 20, 2019Federal Health Experts Express Concerns Over Strong MarijuanaWith the rising potency of marijuana, you "have to know what’s in your weed,”according to Dr. Gruber. Read more in an article posted on...
May 15, 2019Can CBD Really Do All That?The New York Times Magazine recently spoke to Dr. Gruber for their story about the promise of CBD. Although CBD holds tremendous...
Oct 11, 2018'Women have been saying it works for 10,000 years'Business Insider recently featured our planned collaboration with Foria, a company which sells "Foria Relief," a marijuana suppository...
Apr 30, 2018CNN's Weed 4: Pot vs. PillsWe are excited to announce that last night Dr. Gruber appeared in Sanjay Gupta's newest CNN Special Report on marijuana, Weed 4: Pot vs....
Apr 20, 2018'Helpless': The only treatment for their baby's epileptic seizures was illegalSee Dr. Gruber featured in an NBC story about parents fighting to continue CBD treatment for their child with epilepsy. Click here to...
Mar 25, 2017Dr. Gruber talks to Ryan Grim for HuffPost PoliticsMore from The Forum: Marijuana's impact on the brain - Ryan Grim from HuffPost Politics and McLean Hospital's Staci Gruber take your...
Dec 3, 2013Kids and Marijuana"The earliest recorded uses of marijuana date from the 3rd millennium BC. On About Health Jeanne Blake and her guest Dr. Staci Gruber, a...