Feb 21, 2023CT-Cann2023Last week in London, Dr. Gruber delivered the keynote presentation at the 2nd International Congress on Clinical Trials on Cannabis
Dec 15, 2022What to Keep in MIND: Recreational vs. Medical CannabisThanks to MCR labs for featuring Dr. Staci Gruber in the second annual Cannabis Science Fair and the Science over Stigma campaign! Watch...
Dec 16, 2021CPEAR RoundtableThe Coalition for Cannabis Policy, Education, and Regulation (CPEAR) held a virtual roundtable featuring policymakers and leading...
Aug 7, 2018CannMed 2018We are looking forward to CannMed 2018 where Dr. Gruber will be presenting some of our newest MIND data! We are also excited to hear from...
Mar 30, 2017Marijuana on the Mind – A Primer for PolicymakersIn a recent webinar, Dr. Gruber and lab member, Kelly Sagar, discuss the current state of science on how marijuana affects individuals...
Mar 25, 2017Marijuana: The Latest Scientific Findings and LegalizationWatch the video below to hear Dr. Gruber speak at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, presented jointly with the Huffington...
Aug 5, 2014Marijuana: the good, the bad, and the truthWatch Dr. Gruber present at Aspen Brain Lab 2014.